Support for you: occupational health and wellbeing

Occupational health and wellbeing

As a Trust, we offer access to a wide range of occupational health services.

These services are delivered by East Lancashire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (ELHT) with support from University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay (UHMB) NHS Foundation Trust and Blackpool Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (BTH) as part of a system wide approach to Occupational Health provision.

ELHT have an impressive track record in managing an in-house Occupational Health Service for a number of years. As a Trust, LSCft already work in collaboration with ELHT on other successful health at work related initiatives.

Their multi-disciplinary team will be working with the Trust to deliver a proactive approach to protecting staff well-being, ensuring that individuals receive the most appropriate support advice and treatment at the right time from the relevant health professional.

The Well Service

The Well Service

As part of LSCft’s Occupational Health and Wellbeing provision staff also have access to the Well Service resources. More information about the Well Service can be found on the staff intranet.

Occupational health services for staff

Work health assessments

On occasions, it may be that a Work Health Assessment is needed to support you back to work following a period of absence or long term sickness.

Occupational Health can support with this and it will be arranged by your manager.

Managers, please see guidance below.

If a BBV/needle stick injury/splash injury has occurred during: Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm please contact your nearest Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service for further assessment and information:

ELHT Royal Blackburn Hospital

BFW Blackpool Victoria Hospital

UHMBT Royal Lancaster Infirmary, Lancaster or Westmorland General Hospital, Kendal or Furness General Hospital, Barrow in Furness.

For incidents that have occurred out of the above hours, then please contact your nearest Accident & Emergency Department (A&E)/UTC for initial assessment – we would recommend you contact A&E via switch ahead of attending - this is to advise A&E that you will be attending and the reason for this.

Following A&E/UTC attendance you must then contact the nearest Occupational Health & Wellbeing Service when open on the above number.

The Infection Prevention & Control Clinical Procedure Manual Part 1 can be found on the Trust Intranet.

Immunisations and Vaccinations

Immunisations will be offered to all staff exposed to biological risk in the workplace.

The Occupational Health Service will be responsible for advising managers and employees on infectious diseases and immunisations.

The diseases of special concern where immunisation will confer protection are:

  • Hepatitis B

  • Tuberculosis

  • Rubella and Measles

  • Varicella

Counselling/Psychological support

You can quickly access mental health support through our Employee Assist Programme.


The Well Service offer a Physiotherapy Advice Line (PAL) a service for staff to self-refer if you are experiencing a Musculoskeletal (MSK) problem and are in work. This is a quick, expert intervention for muscle and joint problems directly from a Physiotherapist who will provide a full assessment over the phone within the 24 hour.

More information about the Well Service can be found on the staff intranet.

If required or you are not in work your manager can request a referral through Occupational Health (managers, please see guidance below).

If you require physiotherapy, we can offer you access to five sessions per year.

The sessions are provided by Physio Med which has clinics right across the country – including locations across Lancashire and South Cumbria.

Your manager will need to request a referral through Occupational Health (managers, please see guidance below).

Once the sessions have been agreed, you will be contacted by telephone with follow-up face-to-face appointments arranged if necessary.

Occupational health services for new starters

Before you start at LSCft, you will be asked to complete a health questionnaire.

When filling it in, please provide as much information as possible – including evidence of immunisations - as this can prevent unnecessary appointments and assessments.

Your completed form will be reviewed by Occupational Health.

They will then contact you if further assessments or appointment are needed.

Guidance for managers

As a manager, you may need to refer staff to Occupational health or our Employee Assist Programme.

Guidance and any relevant forms required to make these referrals can be found in our eHR Infopoint.

If you require any further support, please contact the Health and Wellbeing Team by emailing: